Matter Separation: The Scientific Method
I correctly hypothesied that it would take an approximate time of thirty minutes which was a correct estimate. It took 30 minutes for the water to boil completly turning into a gas and leaving the salt alone on the container. I succesfuly described this method and its result which shows that my reaserch was correct and accurate in its entierty.
I was wrong it resulted that it did not separeted in a matter of a day which resulted strange. My reaserch might have been off point but it was not completly off track. I realize that the water kept the same way as it was foun when getting there so it means this separation method did not work at all.
The shade of blue did decrease in its intensity but did went down due to the mixture comencing to separate. It did went the way I hoped due to the reaserch I did before the lab practive. It did not fully separeted but it did it in a medium way.
I was correct indeed and it happend as I thought it would. I established that it will rise imedietly with the contact of water but did went further than half of the paper. My prediction was completly true due to the water not eleveating more than a few inches.